What You Will Learn
1. How to count from zero to 100
2. How to remember common patterns
How to Count from Zero to Nine
Fun Fact: Counting numbers in Haitian Creole is nearly exactly the same as French. There are only slight differences in spelling and pronunciation.

Be Careful When Saying 'En' When Speaking
- When you are simply talking and not counting, say en mainly when you are referring to numerical identifications such as pin numbers, phone numbers, IDs and numbered lists .

Examples of When to Say 'En'
1. Phone Numbers
My number starts with one.
Nimewo mwen kòmanse ak en.
2. ID Numbers
My number starts with one.
Nimewo mwen kòmanse ak en.
3. Numbered lists
Se nimewo en nan lis la.
It's number one on the list.
Check our lesson on how to say a or an in Haitian Creole for more info
How to Count By 10 (10 - 100)
It may be easier if you learn how to count by 10 before learning the bigger numbers in Creole.

Why It's Useful to Learn How to Count By 10 First
For instance, suppose someone who speaks Creole asks you Konbyen? (How many?)
You can simply reply by giving an estimated number such as anviwon ven ( around 20) instead of something specific like 'venntwa' (23).
This make it much easier as someone who is learning Haitian Creole.
How to Count from 20 to 59
- From 21 and after every 10 numbers onwards, all numbers end as eyen in Creole. The word eyen literally means and-one in English.
As such, a Creole number such as tranteyen (31) literally means 'thirty-and-one.'

How to Count from 60 to 100
- Numbers in the 70s and 90s work differently in Haitian Creole.
- All you have to do is add to the previous number set by starting with +10 and then continuing with +11, +12, +13 and so on.
So, in the case of the 70s in Creole, you are going to start by adding 10 to 60 and then going up from there (e.g. 60+10 is swasann-dis).
The same applies to the 90s in Creole (e.g. 80+11 is katreven-onz)

Some Things to Remember
Once you know the basic patterns, you have won half the battle!
The patterns you must especially focus on are the numbers that end as eyen and the addition patterns of numbers in the 70s and 90s.
Knowing them prevents you from making mistakes while saying numbers in Haitian Creole. Therefore, if you understand patterns, counting in Creole will be easy for you.