Fouye zo nan kalalou
When you are nosing around to get information out of someone.
This often involves asking questions with the intent of prying into someone's personal matters or looking for problems that are not necessarily there.
Translation: Dig up bones from okra.
Example 1
Mirlande dwe sispann fouye zo nan kalalou. M pa konn poukisa l ap plede mande ki kalite travay mwen fè.
Mirlande needs to stop nosing around. I don't know why she keeps asking what kind of work I do.
Example 2
Tanpri di misye pou l pa fouye zo nan kalalou. M pa gen okenn obligasyon pou m di l tout ti detay sou maryaj mwen.
Please tell him not to pry into this matter. I have no obligation to tell him all the little details of my marriage..
Fun Facts
Okras are soft and gooey in the inside. As such, the last thing you would expect to find in them is a piece of bone.
This proverb shows how trivial it can be when someone is nosing around to find out personal information.