LightFieldStudios/Envato Elements
Pito nou lèd nou la
We are persevering even though we feel weighed down by life's problems.
Translation: We may be ugly, but we are here.
Literal Meaning: Rather we are ugly we are here.
Example 1
Jounen an pa t bon menm nan travay la. Pito nou lèd nou la!
The day wasn't good at all at work. We may be weighed down, but we are here!
Example 2
Zanmi m! Si m te koute jenou fè mal sa a, m pa t ap vin travay non! Ebyen, Pito nou lèd nou la!
My friend! If I listened to this hurting knee, I would not have come to work today! We may be hurting, but we are here!
Fun Facts
The Haitian Creole saying pito nou lèd la also indicates modesty and endurance. The reason is because using this proverb shows:
1. You are not denying reality but have accepted the situation for what it is.
2. Although the reality is difficult, you decide to make adjustments in your situation to keep going.