vwayhomestudioo/Envato Elements
O! O!
A sound you make when suddenly reacting to surprise or shock.
Note: It can be a reaction to anything that causes shock or surprise, not just something extreme.
Translation: What! No way! Huh! I can't believe it!
Example 1
O! O! Gade lapli deyò a! Ki jan m ap fè al lakay?
No way! Look at all this rain outside! How am I going home?
Example 2
O! O! Michel manje tout bwat pizza a poukont li? Ki sa k anndan vant ti gason sa a menm?
What! Michel ate the whole box of pizza by himself? What's inside this boy's belly anyway?
This Expression is Everywhere
If you are around people who speak Creole, you will likely hear the expresion O! O! several times during the day.
Since this is the case, use it whenever possible. You will sound more fluent, more relatable and Haitians will feel more connected to you.