Anba tab
It means the same as the English expression under the table
This involves secretly doing something that is usually wrong or illegal
Translation: Under the table
Literal Meaning: Under table
Example 1
Lapolis te kenbe yon pakèt magouyè ki t ap fè fo dokiman anba tab.
The police caught a bunch of fraudsters who were making fake documents under the table.
Example 2
Yo di m li pa travay paske li fè anpil kòb anba tab
Mirloude, don't let what people are saying about you on the low discourage you.
Fun Facts
Naturally, something that is below or under is often not noticeable.
Therefore the fact that the word anba appears twice in the expression anba anba shows that it means more than just showing distance or the degree of something.
This is why this expression indicates someone is beahving in craftily being secretive or stealthy.